Thursday, January 19, 2012

Harry Potter Spoofs and Movie Fails

"This time for... Azkaban?"

I guess Harry forgot to keep this post private from Edward. Damn you Facebook privacy changes!!!

Go back and do it right! 

Caught ya, Harry!

Quick! Stab him in the heart! Before he turns to... NOOOO. Edward Cullen!

What do you expect? They've got him stuck in his room all day. 

Ever heard of a FAN. I know this guy is. 

Oh, Ron. You were so adorable the first two years. Then, wham!!! Awkward...

I know he ain't in Harry Potter but he's got a point. 

1 comment:

  1. luvs harry potter but also loves edward xoxoxoxNovember 23, 2012 at 4:58 AM

    why does every potterhead hate twilight i mean of course i will always love hp but whats so bad about twilight stefine mayor is an amazing author (excusse my speeling) and i love hp and twilight all you guys out there who hate twilight probly havent even read or watched the books or movies and dont even no what your talking about i will probly get loads of hates for this but its the truth if it was such a bad book why would it get published or turned into a movie just dwell on that before think about posting other twilight vs harry potter post they are different gonrers so you cant compare the two .twilight is romance so what do you expect her to do when edward leaves her harry potter is action what do you expect ginny to do when harry leaves her just really stop hating if you dont like it you dont have to share it with the world thats your opinin ok but really....


Please share your thoughts, though keep it under PG13! :)